About Our Lab
We are broadly interested in studying the mechanics of soft engineering and biological materials using an integrated experimental and modeling approach. In particular, we are interested in adaptive materials that can exhibit dramatic changes in microstructure, mechanical properties, and macroscopic shape in response to an environmental stimulus.
Recent Publications
S. Aslan, X, Liu, E. Chen, E., M. Mese-Jones, B. Gonzalez, R. O’Hara, Y. Loke, N., Hibino, L. Olivieri, A. Krieger, T. Nguyen, (2024) “Computational Modeling of Arterial Walls: Evaluating Model Complexity and the Influence of Model Parameters on Deformation Outcomes,”, In Proceed- ings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2024) , 1: 454-461, DOI: 10.5220/0012391700003657. [Link]
C. A. Czerpak, M. S. Kashaf, B. K. Zimmerman, Rebecca Mirville. Nicolas Gasquet, H. A. Quigley, T. D. Nguyen, “The Strain Response to Intraocular Pressure Increase in the Lamina Cribrosa of Control Subjects and Glaucoma Patients”, Translational Vision Science and Technology, accepted in October 2024.
S.E. Quillen, E.C. Kimball, K. A. Ritter-Gordy, L. Du, Z. Yuan, M.E. Pease, S. Madhoun, T. D. Nguyen, T. V. Johnson, H. A. Quigley, I .A. Pitha (2024) “The Mechanisms of Neuroprotection by Topical Rho Kinase Inhibition in Experimental Mouse Glaucoma and Optic Neuropathy”, Investiga- tive Ophthalmology & Vision Science, 65:43, DOI:10.1167/iovs.65.13.43. [Link]
D. O. Kazmer, R. H. Olanrewaju, D. C. Elbert, T. D. Nguyen (2024) “Design of Shape Forming Elements for Architected Composites via Bayesian Optimization and Genetic Algorithms: A Concept Evaluation”, Materials, 17:5339, DOI:10.3390/ma17215339. [Link]