Rome, IT
This year has been a banner year for travel. Presented our lab’s work on OCT strain mapping of the optic nerve head, and did a bit of sight seeing in Rome.
Celebrating the end of another academic year with good food and good company. And a new group photo.
Vail, CO. First conference as grad student for Kalyn Younger and Will Cortes. Caught up with Hai Dong and Arina Korneva, now at GT and VT respectively. JHU dinner, and a memorable hike.
Had a great time at CMBBE with Kristin Myers. Presented Tracy Ling’s work on computational modeling of strains in the axonal compartments of the mouse optic nerve head.
New Orleans! This was the first in-person ARVO since COVID, and the first time meeting Arina as a colleague from Virginia Tech. Cameron and I gave posters on our OCT strain measurements in glaucoma patients and Arina gave a talk on measuring deformation in the mouse astrocytic lamina.
So I went to Australia to give a talk, reconnect with colleagues, and meet some animals.
The 2023 Annual Technical Meeting of SES at Texas A&M was the first in-person SES conference since COVID. It was wonderful to see old friends and meet new ones. Brandon Zimmerman presented his work on new reactive hydrogel model with initial applications to DNA hydrogels. Bibek Datta presented computational study of hydrogel soft robot. He finally got to give a talk to a live audience. I presented in vivo characterization of the optic nerve head in honor of Ellen Arruda and her Eringen Medal.
2022 Glaucoma Fast Track and Concepts and Breakthroughs in Glaucoma Symposium. It was great to go to a conference with members of the lab again. Cameron Czerpak and Arina Korneva both received a travel award from BrightFocus to present posters on their work. Dr. Nguyen gave an overview on Biomechanics of ONH Injury in Glaucoma at the Fast Track and gave a talk on in vivo strain measurements in the optic nerve head using OCT imaging and digital volume correlation.
A. Korneva, E. Cone-Kimball, T. D. Nguyen, H. A Quigley “Mechanical Response of the Mouse Astrocytic Lamina is Altered after Treatment with TrypLE Enzyme”, Poster Presentation, ISER symposium: Concepts and Breakthroughs in Glaucoma, Atlanta, GA
C. Czerpak, B. K. Zimmerman, H.A. Quigley, T. D. Nguyen, “In Vivo Lamina Cribrosa Microstructure Comparing Swept-Source and Spectral-Domain OCT Imaging”, Poster Presentation, ISER symposium: Concepts and Breakthroughs in Glaucoma, Atlanta, GA
Garden party to celebrate the end of the academic year and Zheliang’s and Tracy’s graduation. Lots of food, lots of laughter. I was wonderful to get together again.
The PhD Hooding ceremony marks the transition of a PhD candidate to a PhD graduate. The advisor has the honor of placing the hood on the PhD student to signify that they have successfully completed the PhD program. Congratulations Dr. Zheliang Wang and Dr. Yik Tung Tracy Ling for your remarkable achievement.