M.E. Susilo, J.A. Paten, E.A. Sander, T.D. Nguyen, J.W. Ruberti, (2016) “Collagen Network Strengthening Following Cyclic Tensile Loading”, Journal of the Royal Society: Interface Focus,6: 20150088 [Link].
M.E. Susilo, J.A. Paten, E.A. Sander, T.D. Nguyen, J.W. Ruberti, (2016) “Collagen Network Strengthening Following Cyclic Tensile Loading”, Journal of the Royal Society: Interface Focus,6: 20150088 [Link].
M.E. Susilo, J.A. Paten, E.A. Sander, T.D. Nguyen, J.W. Ruberti, (2016) “Collagen Network Strengthening Following Cyclic Tensile Loading”, Journal of the Royal Society: Interface Focus,6: 20150088 [Link].